Columns & Opinions

PoLKofA Update: Huge Thank You to All
PoLKofA Update: Huge Thank You to All

PoLKofA Update: Huge Thank You to All

The PoLKofA Texas Chapter’s general membership meeting held on Sunday, July 10, at the Sealy American Legion Hall was a HUGE success! But, it was successful only because of all the donations we received, all the background planning from our board members (and their spouses/ significant others) and the efforts of volunteers helping out wherever there was a need. It was also a success because of our members encouraging others to come out and have a little fun. After reviewing the pictures from the email blast, I couldn’t lose the smile from my face, so I think I’ll say most of us had not a little, but a lot of FUN! So thank you all who donated items for the basket raffle, who helped decorate before and clean up afterwards, who stepped in to help out at the front table, in the dessert area, selling shirts and can coolers and raffle tickets. You are all greatly appreciated!

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Thanks for your article on Page 2 (Gary E. KcKee's Editor's Log column, which was about local baseball clubs and their dances last month). I can remember as a kid visiting my grandparents in Giddings and going out to Fireman’s Park (I believe) and watching adult “hardball.” The teams were from Giddings and nearby towns. Also, I have a handful of letters (in German) that my grandad wrote to his soon-to-be wife. He spoke of taking her to a “ball” if I can “get a wagon.” You are on target!

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A Sea of Polka People

It was an exhilarating experience to come out of the kitchen area at the National Polka Festival in Ennis, walk into the ballroom and find a sea of polka people doing the Seven-Step Polka. It was so crowded, I wasn’t even daring to get on the floor. So, I sat that one out and enjoyed watching all the smiles and laughter of all the polkaing people from the very young to the very young at heart. The dance floors stayed full in all the halls all day long!
