PoLKofA Update: Huge Thank You to All
The PoLKofA Texas Chapter’s general membership meeting held on Sunday, July 10, at the Sealy American Legion Hall was a HUGE success! But, it was successful only because of all the donations we received, all the background planning from our board members (and their spouses/ significant others) and the efforts of volunteers helping out wherever there was a need. It was also a success because of our members encouraging others to come out and have a little fun. After reviewing the pictures from the polkabeat.com email blast, I couldn’t lose the smile from my face, so I think I’ll say most of us had not a little, but a lot of FUN! So thank you all who donated items for the basket raffle, who helped decorate before and clean up afterwards, who stepped in to help out at the front table, in the dessert area, selling shirts and can coolers and raffle tickets. You are all greatly appreciated!