Columns & Opinions

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Editor's Log

Editor’s Log Polka Date July 2023. This month’s column is an article written by Mark Jackson is a record collector from California who came to Texas Polka music through Chris Strachwitz' (June 2023 TPN) record reissues. He digitizes old Texas Polka 45 & 78 rpm records and posts them on his YouTube channel: Mr.


Thank you for your recent issue about the earthy month of March, a time to dig and plant. My compliments to Terri Ellison's story about Annie and the Czech farmer, to Michael Morris's piece on Anton and Alfred Vrazel and the song their polka band played to the two-cylinder rhythm of their beloved John Deere B tractor, and to Andy Behlen's interview with Mark Hermes of the Czechaholics on making cane sorghum molasses and restoring tractors.
