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Editor’s Log

Spring is rapidly approaching, which means outside events will begin popping up and families will be participating. During the indoor winter events I have noticed an increase in youngster of all ages, from babies to tweens on the dance floor increasing the possibility of the continuation of dance culture in the future. This was very evident at the Round Top Rifle Hall on New Year’s Eve.

Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Editor’s Log, Polkadate February 2024. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest advancement in technology that is making headlines as corporate America integrates this technology telling us that it’s the wave of the future, of course, some waves are tsunamis. AI is what makes vehicles able to drive themselves, it is what makes the suggestion of the word that you’ve started to type, and suggests the weather forecast. Computers have reached the ability to remember all information that passes through its processers and AI establishes relationships between all this information and forms ideas or “thoughts” about this information that is available upon request from humans (sometimes).

Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Editor’s Log, Polka Date, December 2023. Wow, another trip around the sun, despite the last several years being like the 7 Step Polka. We joyfully danced around in a circle, surge forward to the center, holler cause you made it, then retreat backwards, circle around some more and then do it again all the while navigating the two-steps of the Central Texas music scene and the Covid speed bump.

Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Editor’s Log Polka Date October 2023. The previous month saw two major events in the polka world: The retirement of Fritz Hodde and the announcement that Mollie B and Ted Lange will be taking a break from touring.
