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Editor's Log

Polka Date September 2021. Polka Music came into my life on a jukebox at the Lakeside Café in Schulenburg. I was of bicycle age and taking a break from fishing in the lake next to the café when someone put a coin in the jukebox and played Peanuts. I was instantly mesmerized and rushed to see the name of the music which was so energetic. Being raised in a non-polka household, this was like music from another planet, the monies scrounged from picking bottles along the way to Lakeside went directly into the jukebox to hear Peanuts. My parents and I traveled in a roadside diner’s era. A good many of them had remote jukeboxes at each table and it was magic when Dad gave me a coin to put in it and from the big jukebox in the corner Bob Wills would come blaring out. I was mesmerized by flipping the little arms back and forth to change the pages of the selections, also the Bakelite buttons to push for the song, sometimes they glowed.

Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Editor’s Log Polkadate May, 2021. It’s been a year since the shuffling of feet on a dance floor has been heard. The sound was stifled completely, returned briefly, the silenced again, however the sound, like the slow waltz, At the Spring, is returning hopefully to resume to a full polka gallop.
