
From Cacophony of Battle to Sweet Music and Dancing

From Cacophony of Battle to Sweet Music and Dancing

The camaraderie that is forged in the fires of conflict between nations is a strong bond that for some people is a life long experience. Most of those men and women who have served in the military, despite length of service, war or peace, have forged a special bond. That is a large number of people considering that since 1776 there has been only nineteen complete years of peace. Following the American Revolution, the government provided pensions and hospitals to the veterans injured in battles and continued to do so through the 1860s. The bonds forged during the War of Northern Aggression grew even stronger after 1865 in several different ways. There were bonds between veterans that served on different sides but were now comrades as they realized that most weren’t fighting for a political ideal, but just for the man next to him in the heat of battle. However, there were veterans’ groups founded on both sides of the conflict that remained solid, yet separate, for generations to come.
