
The KJT: A Texas-Czech Institution

The Katolicka Jednota Texaska (K.J.T. or Catholic Union of Texas) is a fraternal benefit society that traces its roots back to Central Europe in the year 863 A.D. It was during this period that the pagan ancestors of Czech, Moravian, and Slovak people were brought to the Christian faith by the Saints Cyril & Methodius, who had arrived from the Byzantine Empire of the Eastern Roman Empire. Saints Cyril & Methodius are the patron Saints of the society.

All Roads Lead to Frydek (Actually Only One, FM 1458)
All Roads Lead to Frydek (Actually Only One, FM 1458)
All Roads Lead to Frydek (Actually Only One, FM 1458)
All Roads Lead to Frydek (Actually Only One, FM 1458)

All Roads Lead to Frydek (Actually Only One, FM 1458)

The community of Frydek (FREEdeck), six miles east of Sealy, is steeped in the old country Czech Catholic faith as it was named after a popular pilgrimage location in Moravia. In the 1880s, a large group of Moravian immigrants to Texas moved from Fayetteville to the area that became known as Frydek. As Sealy was the nearest parish and school, a building was constructed in 1908 that served as both a church and a school. The location was not easily accessible to all parishioners and the building was moved in 1916 to the present site. By 1917, the community had grown to over a hundred families resulting in a new church being constructed in 1924.
